The day may have been cold and rainy but spending a couple hours with this sweet family you would never have known. This beautiful babe was a mere six days old and teeny as she was she filled a big space. I walked into her gorgeous nursery, blankets in tow, and watched these new parents as they doted on their sweet girl. As a parent with older children it is easy to forget how amazing new babies are. The moment I held this girl I felt as if I was holding something incredibly precious and I was. Each teeny baby is a huge reminder of our short time here, of how quickly they grow and how wonderfully inexplicable loving them is. This small addition squeaked and stretched her way through our morning together, more contented than I would have thought. Her delicate arms stretching out her clenched fists as she'd gather her head in wrinkles with big yawns and knees pulled in tight, sleeping through most transitions. Her chubby, soft cheeks and her tulip shaped lips puckered as she dreamt. I couldn't help but step back and envy the season for this couple, though it's a convoluted, sleep deprived, worry filled one, it is also one filled with a flooding of love that like water seeping into cracks, can cast great light on even the hardest to reach of corners. B & A, your E is absolutely perfect and I wish you many, many blessings in life. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of these treasured moments with you! ~ B