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Cincinnati Seniors

Logan, Class of 2020

Logan, Class of 2020

A quick and easy mini-shoot near St. Peter in Chains Cathedral for one of my Senior Models, Logan.

Ben ...

Ben ...

I always look forward to shooting the beautiful streets of Covington when I get the chance. The rich textures, the history lined streets, the impressive Roebling and the skyline of our gorgeous city peaking over the Ohio, all provide an amazing backdrop. Add to that, an intelligent and handsome senior along with a portion of his gorgeous family and you're assured an easy evening. Ben and family, thank you so much for the time, it was genuinely a pleasure. I wish you great success at UC, Ben, and beyond - I've no doubt this new season will be an excellent one! ~ B

Thunderclouds, Sun and Windswept Whispers ....

Thunderclouds, Sun and Windswept Whispers ....

I met this gorgeous Senior, her beautiful Momma & even the handsome guy in her life, on a night where the thunderclouds hung overhead.  We kept a close eye on the forecast and wound up with a perfect night for shooting.  I had the pleasure of wandering this beauty's backyard of a couple hundred acres which was home to many a critter and many fantastic corners, even snapping pictures on the very spot her own sister was wed. There the towering trees provided a perfect canopy of shade on the area, a location not much different than one you'd find in a classic film.  This senior, a talented one, with such an ear for music, managed to teach herself how to play a variety of instruments and still stay grounded.  She truly commanded the attention around her with the least bit of intent.  It was easy to capture her in a place she called home, where she has likely run barefoot more times than can be counted with the sun falling on that smile like it was made just for her and where the wind's in her hair like it has sweet whispers of her beautiful future.  Alex and Sherry, Thank you so much for the wonderful time, for allowing me the opportunity to catch a glimpse of your world and for allowing me to document this place in your book.  I am sure there are wonderful things in store and I wish you many blessings en route!  ~ B   


Towering Beauty in Over-The-Rhine ...

Towering Beauty in Over-The-Rhine ...

City shoots are always a fun sort.  For this one, we found ourselves in Over-The-Rhine and Washington Park.  They aways lend themselves well to great images.  The old German architecture, the towering buildings and brick paved alley ways are amazing, even the graffiti is awesome in it's own right!  There is always so much life in these spots and it can easily add a nice twist to our vision.  This gorgeous Senior and her beautiful Momma were a lot of fun to stroll the city with and they were so open to venturing into different territory; walking into the middle of streets, under posted signage, sitting on private doorsteps, laying down in grimy alleys and even running through the fountains.  It is easy to find a new perspective on a shot in a place like this.  And if you can't find it, it's natural for passerby's to offer their personal thoughts on the composition.  One person sharing his concern over our choice of ragged old door frame versus the next one that was covered in beautiful flowers and fresh, colorful paint.  His statement along the lines of, "She's too pretty to be in that place" ... what he didn't understand is, that with this girl, that "pretty" begins internally and the radiance that comes from that can brighten the darkest and gloomiest doorstep on their own.  This beauty walked with a fantastic confidence that towered like the gorgeous buildings we stood between and when she kicked off her shoes and freely wandered barefoot, her joyfulness and contentedness were contagious.  Hanna & Michelle, it was a joy spending the evening with you two.  Thank you for the time, I wish you all the best for your Senior year! ~ B 


And so the adventure begins ...

Alms Park, such a treasure in this beautiful city.  One side has sweeping views of Lunken and the other follows the curves of the great Ohio River.  We arrived on a day the clouds hung low with the crisp Summer sun dodging them like a quick game of peek-a-boo.  These five college bound friends laughed their way through a sweltering humidity in a sweet way.  Their interactions allowing one to see how genuine their love over one another.  Years together turned graduated and headed for college.  This bittersweet season hangs between the young girl in a prized twirly dress, catching lighting bugs on the breezes of Summer to a young lady lightly stepping from one side of the door to the other and into a great big world awaiting her greatness!  Jean de La Fontaine once said, "Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer" ... I am sure these beauties, though they move beyond these days of friendship, understand their gift in each other and I don't think change, distance or adventure will change that.  I wish you beautiful ladies great success in your new endeavor, know that you are amazing and that this is only the beginning of something really beautiful! ~ B 


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