Rain poured down as we ducked into a doorway at Findlay Market. We watched passerby after passerby run past, soaking wet, as the downpour persisted. Convinced the storm would pass we kept consulting radar in an attempt to assure any lingering doubts and as the heavens would have it, the clouds pushed past and the sun peaked out. The occasional clang of thunder could be heard as we wandered the streets and as a small rain shower came down, we opted for a short drive to Eden Park, where we hoped to finish. This beautiful senior persisted in the wandering and I’m so thankful she did. The night ended with a beautiful sky filled with golden sun that complimented her freckles and crazy blue eyes in a gorgeous way. Olivia and Jennifer, Thank you for walking with me, for allowing me the time. I hope the upcoming year exceeds all expectations. God Bless! ~ B