Some nights you just don't know what the weather is going to bring and you just have to go with it. This gorgeous girl gets that. I spent some time in Devou with both she and her beautiful Momma and when we consulted the radar, we closed shop there and made our way to the soccer field. Just as we walked out onto the field the rain came and so we grabbed a few shots and high tailed it back to the car. This beautiful goalie/basketball player didn't utter one complaint but instead remained at ease with a rare and natural confidence. When asked what she'd like to do, this Senior rattles off a passion without pause that gives a clear indication that intelligence and guts aren't left on the field for her ... they are just who she is. And that gorgeous smile certainly doesn't hurt either. K and A, it was such a great night with you both. I wish we could have had more time but am so thankful for what we did get. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of shooting your portraits. I am quite sure there are big plans in motion for you K and I am looking forward to hearing how they unfold. Good luck and Congratulations! ~ B